Thursday, March 10, 2016

End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch - MISSION WATCH: The Gospel of Christ Crucified

MISSION WATCH: The Gospel of Christ Crucified


MISSION WATCH: The Gospel of Christ Crucified
John Harrigan
John is an Author, Church Planter, & Missionary.

He travels and teaches on the Cross, the return of Jesus, and the Great Commission.

His writings have influenced others such as Joel Richardson who wrote such books as
the Islamic Anti-Christ and The Mideast Beast…

In This program we talk about the World to come from the point of view of the people who wrote the book….

This is a very important book that in fact you can read for free at his web site, but, I will bet you will want to order a hard copy to study….

"Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests, say, do, or believe.

It is up to you to pray and sort it out!"
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