Thursday, December 5, 2013

End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch - Hell's Prophecy: The Second Death

Hell's Prophecy: The Second Death


Hell's Prophecy: The Second Death
Steve Henderson
Steve Henderson was back with us to talk about something that concerns all of us. For him it is an upcoming book, for others it is a different way to look at one aspect of the hereafter or rather the here under yuk yuk….Okay so to most of you this is new so lift it to prayer and study it out for your self…
The Mission Goal From Steve’s ministry The Sure Word of Prophecy Ministries’ is to help believers to understand Bible prophecy, prepare them for the return of Jesus, and to make an unarguable presentation to unbelievers that there is a God who knows the end from the beginning.
It is his desire to share the prophetic word to turn many agnostics, atheist and scoffers; providing them with enough evidence for them to turn to a saving faith in Yeshua Ha Mesciah

“Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests, say, do, or believe.
It is up to you to pray and sort it out!”
Another do not Miss End-Time Radio program as
“We are Warning the World as it HAPPENS!”
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